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Whole thing is about survival, i have some experience in urban survival during the real SHTF so i ll write about that mostly, feel free to comment anything, i will keep some names and time frame of that SHTF just for me, also i will ignore comments and messages not connected to survival only.

Monday, October 10, 2011


OK now i have some questions, like most of us i like to watch this kind of shows, read books, try to be more prepared, so i want to check this video, i already mention it before.
There is a lot of nonsense in this, maybe it is about cultural differences between me and you, but i still think there is some wrong perception of city SHTF here.

Intro is OK, catastrophes happens, societies falls, everything happens fast.
He states if you survive catastrophe you will emerged in different world.True. Then he goes in city to find resources?? During the daytime?? No way. First i don t see reason to go in to the city to "find resources", i would run FROM the city as far as i can, to go to city in daytime is ridiculous, absolutely nonsense.
"When society breaks down, people will be hungry, desperate ... " i agree, i ve seen that, but guess what? They are mostly not going to be stupid, they will hunt you, prey, scout, wait. So if they see you running with backpack, they will shoot you just to check what do you have inside.He is looking for shelter fornight, wrong
it is smarter to stay hidden during daytime, and watch for movement and activities, then during the night go out and "find resources"

He says "this flashlight gonna save your life" then he enters some building with flashlight on to check it. It was like he wears  T shirt with target, he is doing "security sweep" inside dark building with flashlight on, if somebody is inside he s dead for sure. Security sweep? Proper way is to quietly go inside without flashlight, hide somewhere, and wait for hour or two for other people to move. To use battery as a weapon if somebody "pop up" from the corner? :)) Man you light your self like Christmas tree in very dark area, nobody going to "pop up" in front of you unless he is idiot, they wait you to pass, and then smash your head from behind, or just simply shoot 20 rounds in direction of your flashlight from 50 meters distance, and you are dead again.
I mean guys forget about walking around  with your flashlight constantly on.

Steel wool  and 9volt battery as a fire starter, very nice, i used steel wool as a kid to make some firework jokes. You know i spend some worst period of my life in city SHTF, i never saw anybody started fire like that, batteries were to valuable, i mean is it so hard to have bic lighter or Zippo? Covering fire, dump cardboard, that make sense.

Leaving building trough elevator shaft? Only if you are Navy seal member, most of us not, most of us are normal people not capable to do that things with cables. Do you understand what mean in SHTF if you break your leg or arm, you end up dead, simple cut can kill you. Not to mention he is making too much noises, breaking things, he is moving trough city openly on the road. Entering the house to find tools? I understand that, but on that way? no chance, if somebody is inside you are dead.
I would first wait outside for hour or two, trying to figure is that house really empty.Checking every movement or sound.Cans check, it is OK, i did that.
Entering sewer as a matter  conceal movement, very good, i heard some guys did that, but you need to be really familiar with plans, it is harder than it looks.

And then again thing that i do not understand, he is entering hospital trying to make it like his base camp.
I think it is stupid, hospital is last place to go in this situation, i mean staff is gone, but what do you mean it happens  with all bodies? Nothing. Bodies are still going to be there. So do not go there.
OK, if you already going in city during SHTF why do not choose smaller more secure place as your base camp, like police station,bank or something like that, you know more secure, smaller.

You probably not going to find gas at the gas station, you ll be late.Even if you find gas and find good car, you are not be able to leave city with car, roads gonna be probably jammed with all kind of stuff.

All this opinions are mine only, from my experience, so we can discuss if you think i am wrong.


  1. Well done, I just switched from the forum and follow your posts,I`ve read all 31 pages of your thread; all info on the level, no Batman shit....
    Možemo i na našem ,ako mogu pomoći reci,nešto ćemo smisliti.

  2. here from forum. thank you sir. your writings may be saving my life.
